Results of the 2024 Putnam Math Competition

I am very excited to report that our Putnam team ranked 7th– honorable mention— among 477 institutions that participated in the 2024 Putnam math competition.
Our team members this year were Daniel Yuan, Isaac Mammel, and Clarence Lam.
Daniel Yuan ranked 26th among 3,988 participants. Clarence Lam and Isaac Mammel were recognized for being among the top 200 students.
Omar Habibullah, Samuel Lidz, Adam Melrod, and Kelin were also recognized for being among the top 500 students.

You can find some of the problems and their solutions on my YouTube channel:

If you are an undergraduate student at UMD wishing to participate in Putnam or just want to know more about it feel free to contact me and I will be happy to discuss the details.

Results of the 2023 Putnam Competition

I am very excited to share the news that the University of Maryland Putnam team ranked 8th, honorable mention, among 471 institutions in the 2023 Putnam math competition. Our team members this year were Vincent Trang, Daniel Yuan, Omar Habibullah, and Andrew Parker.
Vincent Trang ranked 43rd and Daniel Yuan ranked 64th among 3,857 participants.

Congratulations to our team members and other participants!! I am very proud of our team and all 33 participants from our school.

If your are an undergraduate student at the University of Maryland, interested in participating in the Putnam Competition next year, you may contact me and I will be happy to answer any quetsions you might have.

2023 Putnam Math Competition

On Saturday, December 2, 2023, thirty-three undergraduate students from the University of Maryland competed in the 2023 Putnam math competition. The competition problems are known for being notoriously difficult. Here are a few photos from the event at UMD:

You can find some of the problems and their solutions on my YouTube channel:

If you are an undergraduate student at UMD wishing to participate in Putnam or just want to know more about it feel free to contact me and I will be happy to discuss the details.

2023 Putnam Registration

Interested students at the University of Maryland, College Park, should contact me via email and I will send them registration information for the 2023 Putnam math competition.

Problem Solving Sessions

We have weekly problem solving sessions for those interested in problem solving or participating in 2023 Putnam. The details are as follows.

Time: Wednesday 4-5:30 pm

Location: Math B0421

Feel free to stop by to learn, participate or just say hi!

Results of the 2022 Putnam Competition

I am very excited to share the news that the University of Maryland Putnam team ranked fourth among 456 institutions in the 2022 Putnam Competition. This is the best result for our team in more than four decades. The first three teams are MIT, Harvard and Stanford.

Our team members, Daniel Yuan, Clarence Lam, and Isaac Mammel all ranked in the top 100 among 3,415 students. Phillip Guo ranked in the top 200.

Congratulations to our team members and other participants!! I am very proud of our team and all 26 participants from our school.

You can read the official announcement of the results here.

If your are an undergraduate student at the University of Maryland, interested in participating in the Putnam Competition next year, you may contact me and I will be happy to answer any quetsions you might have.

2022 Putnam Competition was Held on Saturday

Last Saturday, December 3, 2022, twenty-six of our best students competed in the annual Putnam mathematics competition. They worked on 12 very challenging problems from 10 am to 6 pm. The competition is done in two sessions (morning or Session A, and afternoon or Session B). Here are a few photos of the event.

Session A problems and solutions can be found here and here. Session B problems and solutions can be found here and here.

Congratulations to all participants!!

If you are an interested undergraduate student at the University of Maryland feel free to contact me. I will be happy to meet with you and answer any questions you might have regarding Putnam competition.

2022 Putnam

Putnam Competition will be held tomorrow, Saturday, December 3, 2022, from 9:40 am to 6 pm in Physics 4206.

Interested students must register following this link before showing up to take the test.

Results of the 2021 Putnam Competition

I am very excited to share the news that the University of Maryland Putnam Team was ranked 20th out of 427 institutions this year. This is our fifth year in a row that we are among top 20 teams in the Putnam competition.

Our team members were Steppan Konoplev, Thomas Luo, and Gerrett Peters.

Steppan Konoplev and Thomas Luo were recognized as one of top 193 students in the 2021 Putnam competition.

More information can be found here.

Putnam 2021 Discussion of Problems

This coming Wednesday, December 8th we will go over the 2021 Putnam problems. Everybody is welcome to attend.

Location: Math 0102

Time: Wednesday, 12/8/2021, 4-5:30 PM

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